The social media platform X, previously often known as Twitter, was buzzing as members of the cricket fraternity shared their updates on Tuesday, November 12. Former India batter Suresh Raina shared footage from his go to to his hometown, Muradnagar, whereas Aakash Chopra shared essential pointers from Gautam Gambhir’s pre-departure press convention forward of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25. Ex-Pakistani pacer, in the meantime, congratulated snooker participant Muhammad Asif for profitable his third World Snooker title.
Listed here are the highest social media posts from the cricketing fraternity on November 12, 2024:
सिर्फ़ मुस्कुराते रहिए …
दुनिया कंफ्यूज रहेगी …
न जाने इसको किस …
बात की ख़ुशी है 😃😄😎— Axar Patel (@akshar2026)
A favour – please be a part of our human fence? 🙏🏽
🔗 –
— Kevin Pietersen🦏 (@KP24)
— Chris Lynn (@lynny50)
Pump the brakes.
The massive boys are allowed just a few days off.
Its additionally nice publicity for some younger expertise who will probably be higher for the expertise.— Tim Paine (@tdpaine36)
All choice is actually guessing!!!
— Aaron Finch (@AaronFinch5)
Coming right here since childhood #muradnagar #hometown ❤️#jaishreeram 🙏 #blessed
— Suresh Raina🇮🇳 (@ImRaina)
Key takeaways from Gautam Gambhir’s presser forward of the #BGT in immediately’s #Aakashvani 👇
— Aakash Chopra (@cricketaakash)
In the course of celebrating our cricket heroes it is at all times essential to rejoice our different athletes too. Huge shoutout to Muhammad Asif on profitable his third World Snooker Title 👏🏼 You are an inspiration for all of us 🤍
— Wahab Riaz (@WahabViki)
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